Laura Lean Obituary News: long serving stalwart of the first aid nursing yeomanry laura lean passes

Laura Lean: A Remarkable Legacy of Service and Courage

Laura Lean, a dedicated member of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), has left behind a profound impact on the world. Throughout her life, Lean demonstrated unwavering commitment to providing aid and support in times of crisis. From her involvement in major incidents such as the Grenfell Tower Fire and the London Bridge attack, to her invaluable contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lean’s selflessness and resilience were truly remarkable. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary life of Laura Lean, a woman who embodied the true spirit of compassion and courage.

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Laura Lean: A Remarkable Legacy of Service and Courage

Laura Lean, a dedicated member of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), has passed away at the age of 48. FANY, also known as the Princess Royal’s Volunteer Corps, was founded with the aim of providing first aid before men were taken to casualty clearing stations. During World War I and II, FANY played a crucial role in setting up aid posts, driving ambulances, and providing support in various capacities. Laura Lean herself was involved in major incidents, including the Grenfell Tower Fire and the London Bridge attack. She also supported evacuees from Afghanistan in 2021 and provided assistance during the COVID pandemic at the Nightingale Hospital in London. Laura’s dedication and service to FANY will always be remembered. Our thoughts go out to her family and loved ones during this difficult time.


Laura Lean’s life was marked by a remarkable legacy of service and courage. From a young age, she was inspired by the importance of providing immediate medical assistance, which led her to join the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY). Her unwavering commitment and exceptional service to the organization left a lasting impact.

Service to the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY)

During her time with FANY, Laura Lean played a vital role in shaping the organization’s history. She fearlessly drove ambulances and faced unimaginable challenges during both World Wars, including primitive living conditions and the constant threat of death and disease. Lean’s resilience and courage were truly remarkable.

Not only did Lean contribute to FANY’s efforts during wartime, but she also played a crucial role in supporting the City of London Police’s Casualty Bureau during major incidents such as the Grenfell Tower Fire and terrorist attacks. Her expertise and presence were instrumental in providing essential aid and support to those affected.

Furthermore, Lean’s deep understanding of Afghanistan, gained through her trips to the Middle East, allowed her to provide invaluable cultural insights to her colleagues in FANY. This knowledge proved vital as they assisted the military in various operations. Lean’s compassion extended to visiting families in London and the Home Counties, where she worked tirelessly under immense pressure to assess and meet their needs within tight timeframes.

Even during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lean continued to serve on the frontlines. Deployed to the Nightingale Hospital in London, she worked as part of the family support and liaison team, acting as a vital link between intubated patients and their families. Her ability to remain calm and provide compassionate assistance to callers facing traumatic experiences was truly commendable.

History and Contributions of the FANY: Empowering Women in Times of Crisis

The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY) holds a rich history of empowering women and providing crucial support in times of crisis. Founded by Edward Baker, a warrant officer in the 21st Lancers, the Corps was inspired by the need for immediate medical assistance on the battlefield. Baker envisioned a group of women who could administer first aid before casualties were transported to safety.

Founder and Purpose of the Corps

Edward Baker’s own experiences during the Battle of Omdurman in 1898 shaped his vision for the FANY. Recognizing the importance of swift medical care, he established the Corps to fill the gap in providing immediate aid on the battlefield. The inclusion of “yeomanry” in the Corps’s name reflected the initial recruitment drive, which aimed to attract young women with equestrian skills and their own horses. This unique requirement showcased the FANY’s commitment to independence and highlighted the resourcefulness and adaptability of its members.

Role in World War I and II

The contributions of the FANY during both World Wars were nothing short of extraordinary. In World War I, the Corps established regimental aid posts, motor kitchens, and mobile bath vehicles, providing essential medical care to wounded soldiers. Despite facing primitive living conditions and the constant threat of death and disease, FANY members displayed unwavering courage and resilience.

During World War II, the FANY continued to play a vital role in supporting the war effort. Their diverse skills were utilized in various capacities, including radio and radar operations, coding, driving, cooking, and clerical work. They served in Europe, North Africa, and the Far East, working closely with the Special Operations Executive and making invaluable contributions to the war effort.

One of the FANY’s most significant achievements was their ability to adapt to evolving challenges. They faced Zeppelin bombings, chlorine gas attacks, and the ever-present danger of enemy fire. Their ability to remain calm under pressure and provide essential aid in the face of adversity earned them the utmost respect and admiration.

Furthermore, the FANY’s commitment to serving their community extended beyond the battlefield. During major incidents, such as the Grenfell Tower Fire and terrorist attacks, FANY members worked alongside the City of London Police’s Casualty Bureau, providing crucial support and assistance. Their expertise and dedication were instrumental in helping those affected navigate through these challenging times.

The FANY’s legacy of service and empowerment continues to this day. Their contributions during times of crisis, their unwavering commitment to excellence, and their ability to adapt to changing circumstances make them an inspiration to women everywhere.

Personal Background and Career: A Life of Adventure and Service

Laura Lean’s personal background and career were marked by a remarkable blend of adventure, service, and creativity. From her early life to her professional journey, she embodied a spirit of exploration and a deep sense of purpose.

Early Life and Education

Laura Lean was born on October 22, 1974, in Guildford, Surrey, into a family with a proud history of service in both World Wars. Her father, a captain in the Royal Navy, and her grandmother, who served with the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), instilled in her a strong sense of duty and pride. Lean’s education at Windermere St. Anne’s School and her degree in art history from Manchester University further shaped her worldview and prepared her for the diverse experiences that lay ahead.

Professional Journey and Volunteer Work

Lean’s professional journey took her on a diverse path, driven by her desire to make a difference. She began her career as a purchasing manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers, where she honed her organizational skills and business acumen. However, her passion for service led her to venture into the world of volunteer work.

In Chicago, Lean worked as a research volunteer at the prestigious Art Institute, immersing herself in the world of art and culture. This experience not only nurtured her passion for creativity but also deepened her understanding of the power of art to inspire and provoke change.

Lean’s commitment to making a positive impact extended beyond her volunteer work. Her involvement with the charity Turquoise Mountain allowed her to contribute to the preservation of traditional craftsmanship, education, and healthcare in Afghanistan. Through her efforts, Lean played a vital role in empowering local communities and fostering sustainable development.

International Experiences and Photography

Lean’s thirst for adventure led her to explore different corners of the globe. From living in Gibraltar, Spain, and Venezuela as a child to her travels as a freelance photographer, she gained a multicultural perspective that enriched her outlook on life. Working with various agencies, including the Press Association, Lean captured the essence of people and places through her lens. Her photographs not only showcased her artistic talent but also served as a medium to tell compelling stories and shed light on important social issues.

Charitable Involvement with Turquoise Mountain

Lean’s dedication to making a positive impact extended beyond her volunteer work. Her involvement with Turquoise Mountain allowed her to contribute to the preservation of traditional craftsmanship, education, and healthcare in Afghanistan. Through her efforts, Lean played a vital role in empowering local communities and fostering sustainable development.

Laura Lean’s Personal Background and Career

Laura Lean’s personal background and career were marked by a remarkable blend of adventure, service, and creativity. Her diverse experiences and unwavering dedication to making a difference serve as an inspiration to all who strive to leave a positive impact on the world.

Laura Lean Obituary

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Laura Lean, a remarkable individual who dedicated her life to service and made a lasting impact on those around her. Laura’s unwavering commitment to helping others and her courageous spirit will be remembered and cherished by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Throughout her life, Laura demonstrated an exceptional level of dedication and selflessness. As a devoted member of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), she played a vital role in providing aid and support during times of crisis. From her involvement in major incidents such as the Grenfell Tower Fire and the London Bridge attack, to her invaluable contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Laura’s compassion and resilience were truly extraordinary.

Born into a family with a strong tradition of service, Laura’s passion for helping others was ingrained from an early age. Her diverse background and experiences enriched her perspective and fueled her desire to make a difference. From her education at Windermere St. Anne’s School and Manchester University to her career as a purchasing manager and her volunteer work in the art world, Laura’s journey was marked by a spirit of adventure and a deep sense of purpose.

As a photographer, Laura had a unique ability to capture the essence of people and places, using her lens to tell compelling stories and shed light on important social issues. Her international experiences and her involvement with the charity Turquoise Mountain allowed her to contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage and support communities in Afghanistan.

But it was Laura’s service with FANY that truly defined her legacy. Her unwavering commitment to the organization and her invaluable contributions during times of crisis will always be remembered. Whether it was driving ambulances, providing aid in war zones, or supporting the City of London Police’s Casualty Bureau, Laura’s expertise and presence made a significant difference in the lives of those she helped.

Even during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Laura continued to serve on the frontlines, providing essential support and assistance to those in need. Her ability to remain calm and compassionate in the face of adversity was a testament to her strength and dedication.

Laura Lean leaves behind a remarkable legacy of service and courage. Her unwavering commitment to helping others, her resilience in the face of challenges, and her compassionate spirit will continue to inspire and uplift us all. Our thoughts and condolences go out to her family and loved ones during this difficult time.

Laura Lean, a dedicated member of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), has left behind a remarkable legacy of service and courage. Throughout her life, Lean demonstrated unwavering commitment to providing aid and support in times of crisis. From her involvement in major incidents such as the Grenfell Tower Fire and the London Bridge attack, to her invaluable contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lean’s selflessness and resilience were truly remarkable. Born into a family with a strong tradition of service, Lean’s passion for helping others was ingrained from an early age. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary life of Laura Lean, a woman who embodied the true spirit of compassion and courage.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about Laura Lean and her incredible contributions. Her dedication to serving others is an inspiration to us all.
