50+ Most Relatable Florida Memes on the Internet

Florida Memes

Florida is one of the hottest states in America. It is located in the southeast area. Moreover, it has the Atlantic ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. 

Florida is known for its hot weather, swamps, hurricanes, and humidity. It is also known for alligators, fire ants, panthers, spiders, armadillos, etc. Unfortunately, Florida has a name for being a trashy state and is the last place to visit in America.

Other than that, Florida has several beaches, amusements parks, zoos, Walt Disney Walt, Miami beach, etc. People usually move here for retirement and relaxation.

But many natural disasters are occurring in Florida, which is why many people avoid moving there. There are lots of hurricanes, sinkholes, etc., happening there. Even if you survive these disasters, repairing your home, again and again, is only going to be costly.

The weather in Florida is hot and humid and it’s disappointing to celebrate Christmas in warm weather. Apart from the weather, Florida is primarily populated. Talk about the long queue and traffic here! 

This is why many people make fun of Florida. It is not sophisticated like San Fransico or classy like New York. Instead, it is hot and full of dangerous animals and unpredictable natural disasters.

If you are from Florida or know someone from here, here are some hilarious Florida Memes that you can either relate to or laugh at. Either way, you will be entertained.

Like I said earlier, Florida is hot. So imagine getting inside your hot car on a hot summer day!

Unfortunately, there are a lot of crimes happening in Florida. Since Miami is a famous place for the drug and weed business, many people get involved and thus go to jail when caught. You will find very people who don’t have a criminal record.

Enjoy the Funniest Anime Memes for all the otakus out there.

Florida is full of dangerous things. So if you grew up there or lived there, you must be familiar with these things.

Since it is always hot in Florida, bugs and mosquitoes always live there. With many swamp areas, there are even more mosquitoes there. So getting bug sprayed is essential because those bugs will get in seconds if you don’t!

Florida’s people may have a criminal record, but they have a pretty face. And as any guilty person, they always claim it to be an accident.

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Hot and humid. So lots of winds action is going on in the state. And with that, the wind even has its own types.

In Florida, you can find many deers and with that many hunters too. The people there have their own cabin in the woods with their hunting gears. We can see deers on the roads carefree. But inside the forest, they are ready to run anytime.

Sports isn’t your best thing, Florida.

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It is so bad sometimes that it only ends up in embarrassment.

But they sure are positive!

Come on, gators! Do something!

Since many people live in Florida, that only means more people are disappointed by Florida Gators.

It is hot out front but humid outback.

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I don’t understand how many people can live in such a hot state. Imagine the heat and sweat that people have to endure. But the native is just laying and chilling.

Not only is the weather hot, but the people are also hot. They will pick up fights and get angry about anything. So imagine what happens when two Florida people go on a date.

Does anyone know what this button does? I see a jellyfish.

As I said, there are many beautiful beaches here.

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